September 23, 2023
A Wedding Gift From Home

I met my (now) husband, John, in 2011 during our freshman year at Wake Forest University, where we remained acquaintances through our graduation in 2014. We went separate ways, and after several years, we reconnected in 2021 via what would turn out to be a life changing Instagram DM. Things clicked and after only 4 months of dating, he left Winston-Salem and his beloved North Carolina to move to Dallas, Texas where I was living. He’d never lived outside of NC, all his family lives in the state, and he is the most passionate WFU sports fan you’ll meet - so his move to Dallas was immensely significant.
Two years later for our wedding, August 5, 2023, I knew I wanted to gift him something special from his favorite place in the world. My research led me to Bernhardt. Michael was so kind and accommodating, custom making a watch for me that was no longer available online and being so helpful and communicative at every step in the process. I gave my husband the watch on our wedding day, he loved it, and he absolutely lit up when he learned it was custom assembled in his beloved North Carolina.

Very very joyfully,
Bonnie & John Walsh